About JCI

JCI is a worldwide federation of young leaders and entrepreneurs with over 5,000 Local Organizations in more than 115 countries. JCI is a global network with nearly 200,000 members worldwide. JCI provides development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change, to improve ourselves and the world around us.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

JCI Masterskill @ JCI Annual National Convention, Ipoh

At the 34th JCI Annual National Convention in Ipoh, JCI Masterskill was officially affiliated with JCI Malaysia after being endorsed during the General Assembly.

JCI Masterskill was recognised as The Most Promising Chapter and received the President's Award at the Gala Dinner. JC Nasri, JCI Masterskill Advisor and JC Razak, JCI Masterskill President were awarded as the Most Promising Leader Awards.

At the 34th JCI Annual National Convention in Ipoh, JCI Masterskill was officially affiliated with JCI Malaysia after being endorsed during the General Assembly.

Photos @ 34th JCI ANC in Ipoh

CYEA 2008

Photos of Dato' Edmund Santhara @ JCI CYEA 2008 at G-Hotel, Penang

The Edge Interview with Dato' Edmund Santhara

Get personal with Dato' Edmund Santhara, the Founder of JCI Masterskill / Board of Patrons JCI Malaysia. Interview

Dato' Edmund Santhara - JCI Malaysia CYEA 2008 Winner to Compete in New Delhi

Dato' Edmund Santhara (JCI Masterskill founder) featured on JCI website being one of the 3 finalist at the JCI Creative Young Entrepreneur Award 2008 at JCI World Congress in New Delhi. Read more

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

JCI Creed

Watch and learn about JCI Creed ----> JCI Creed music video